SMVM is a part of various networks and forums to promote knowledge exchange and carry out various advocacy initiatives to ensure transparency and accountability in the implementation of public policies and programmes.


Girls Not Brides

Girls Not Brides is a global partnership movement of 1000 civil society groups from 95 nationalities, committed to ending child marriage and advancing girls’ rights for realising their potential.

Jumav Manch

Jumav Manch is a state level network of 17 civil society groups supported by OXFAM. The network works to address the issue of violence against women and girls through mobilising and strengthening community voices to carry out advocacy works with the state as well as district nodal department for effective implementation of domestic violence as well as child marriage act.

Jharkhand Anti-Trafficking Network

JATN is a state level network of 14 grassroots level NGOs working in 13 trafficking prone districts in Jharkhand. JATN believes that safe Migration and secure mobility is a means for combating trafficking. .

Jharkhand Right to Education Forum

Having its state presence with a membership base of about 200 organisations, JRTEF is committed to work on education and child issues in Jharkhand.