Our livelihood interventions focus on enhancing family income through micro level diversification and livelihood mix strengthening to meet the livelihood stress. This is done through analyzing the household level vulnerability and risks, asset base, and mapping the knowledge and skills available within the household. Identifying and moblising households, linking them with livelihood appropriate options and supporting them technical inputs lead to sustainable livelihood


  • Enhance and promote the rural and urban livelihoods through wage labour and self employment
  • Diversify livelihood needs to the individuals and families
  • Support in asset creations to check migration and women empowerment


  • Provide asset building support to vulnerable families
  • Support to government agencies in the implementation of poverty alleviation and skill building schemes
  • Financial Inclusion


  • Conduct financial literacy programme for women to inculcate financial discipline
  • Prepare village planning exercise under MGNREGA
  • Organise training of mates, CBOs and PRI members on the technical aspects of MGNREGA
  • Mobilse labour for wage employment and skill training under government schemes
  • Promote nutrition garden amongst poor families
  • Strengthen community monitoring initiative to address bottleneck and gaps in the service delivery
  • Link farmers with various government departments