Quality Education is a fundamental human rights and a key to ensure gender equality and empowerment. SMVM ‘s education programme seeks to fill critical gaps in the quality and reach of education inputs amongst the poor and most marginalized through onsite academic support, strengthen school institutions and adopting child centric pedagogy.
- Ensure 100% children of 6-14 years are enrolled and retained at schools
- Teachers practice gender sensitive and child centric classroom processes
- Children have access to basic life skills and activity-based learning opportunities
- Functional school level institutions (Bal Sansads/ SMCs)
- Empowering marginalised girls through quality education (Support to KGBVs)
- Special Learning Centre for children to have access to facilities for age appropriate educational skills and competencies
- Remodeling of schools and AWCs remodeling for retention of children
- Provide onsite academic support to children through academic fellows
- Equip schools with relevant teaching learning materials
- Capacitate teachers on child centric teaching approach, gender and child rights issues
- Conduct module-based trainings of girls on life skills approach
- Strengthen libraries and science labs through additional resources
- Conduct trainings of SMC members on their roles and responsibilities under RTE
- Conduct regular parent-teacher interface to discuss children progress and their vulnerabilities
- Provide scholarship support to meritorious students from socially and weaker section for higher education